Precast Concrete » Sectors » Water » Wastewater
Wastewater Overview
At FLI Precast we specialise in the design, manufacture, and installation of our semi-precast solution for use in all types of wastewater storage and treatment applications.
FLI Precast (Formerly Carlow Precast) developed the semi-precast DfMA concrete tank solution (the Carlow tank) in response to the challenging demands of the Water Industry.
FLI Precast’s semi-precast concrete system has been used in the design and manufacture of hundreds of rectangular and circular tank applications throughout the water sector in Ireland and the UK.
Simply put, we pour wet concrete against hard precast concrete.
By designing in accordance with established codes and specifications we produce DfMA infrastructure using a modern approach to established technologies.
We can also deliver 100 + years of design life without the introduction of unproven materials or construction techniques.
Our significant portfolio of high-profile projects is the product of innovation and collaboration. Working closely with our expert customers or their specialist advisers we routinely develop creative solutions that deliver value, safety, and efficiency in shorter project timeframes.
We welcome your inquiry and look forward to blending your expertise with ours. Whether your project is leading edge or relatively straightforward your enquiry is important to us and potentially very productive for you.
Wastewater Products
Anaerobic Sludge Process Tanks (ASP)
- Often remaining sludge can be used as a soil conditioner
- Reduces the production of landfill methane

Circular Settlement Tanks
FLI Precast offers a variety of circular tank designs for all our client’s requirements.
Our units come in a variety of profiles and can be produced to include an interior or exterior launder channel while we also offer three options for the construction of the hopper cone element required on settlement tanks.
Baffle Walls
FLI Precast design Baffle Wall systems which come in two different configurations. We offer a king post and plank system which can be fixed down to an existing base which enables a rapid installation and can be tailored to suit your project requirements. We also provide a Baffle system which can be incorporated into the base slab of a structure and enables the baffles to be load-bearing.

Other Wastewater Products FLI Precast provide
- Inlet Structures
- Nerada Structures
- Lamella Tanks
- Grit Trap Structures
- Biological Aerated Flooded Filter (BAFF)
- Baffle Walls
- Trickling/aeration Filter Structures
- Storm Tanks
- Pumping Stations
- Pumping Stations
- Chemical Dosing Bunded Slabs
- Kiosk Bases Including with service trenches
- Splitter Chambers, elevated, buried and above ground
- Pre-benched chamber bases, channels, Copa-sacs, Valve/flowmeter chambers
- Outfall/final/sampling chambers
Related Project
Wicklow Wastewater Upgrade
FLI Carlow played a key role in the upgrade of a wastewater facility in Wicklow, Ireland. The three wastewater treatment plants serve the surrounding population of 3000+ people.
FLI had to collaborate with both the client (Irish Water) and operator (Wicklow County Council) to understand the challenges and develop the agreed solution.

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