FLI Precast Solutions:
Pioneering in the Bewdley Bank
Service Reservoir Project
FLI Precast Solutions: Pioneering in the Bewdley Bank Service Reservoir Project
At FLI Precast Solutions, we are proud to have played a pivotal role in the construction of the semi-precast concrete Service Reservoir at Bewdley Bank, a project that stands as a testament to our expertise and commitment to innovation in the precast concrete industry.
The Hereford Water Network is dependent on a single source of supply from the River Wye and Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water identified a need to assess the resilience of the network to maintain customer supply during any future loss of source supply events.
The resulting hydraulic assessment identified the requirement to increase the available storage across the network.
The additional storage will increase the network’s ability to respond to fluctuations in demand and provide increased contingency and resilience in the event there is a loss of source supply from the water treatment works.
Bewdley Bank Service Reservoir - Key participants
- Client: Welsh Water
- Principal designer and contractor: MMB
- Semi precast concrete tank design and supply: FLI Precast Solutions
- Precast concrete roof planks: Stresslite Precast
- Formwork and reinforced concrete sub-contractor: DRND Formwork Specialists, Hereford
Collaboration and Innovation at the Core
In partnership with Mott MacDonald Bentley (MMB) and for our client, Welsh Water, we embarked on this ambitious project to enhance the resilience of the Hereford Water Network.
Our role in designing and supplying the semi-precast concrete tank was crucial in addressing the need for increased storage capacity in the network, ensuring a more robust response to fluctuations in demand and potential loss of source supply.
Efficiency Through Procurement-Based Design
The project embraced a procurement-based design approach, which significantly streamlined the design and construction process.
This strategy allowed us to engage early in the project, bringing our specialised knowledge to the forefront and ensuring that the design accommodated the best available products in the market.
Our involvement from the early stages was instrumental in maximising value from the supply chain and driving construction efficiencies.
The Semi-Precast Concrete Service Reservoir Product
Our semi-precast concrete service reservoir product was a key component in the success of the Bewdley Bank project. This product, honed from our experience in over 40 service reservoir projects, allowed for rapid installation and high-quality construction.
The ability to install up to 24 precast wall panels in a single day significantly reduced the overall construction timeline, showcasing the efficiency of our precast solutions.
Benefits of Our Approach
- Construction Program Efficiency: Our precast elements were installed at a much faster rate than traditional in situ construction, leading to a reduction in the overall construction program.
- Off-Site Production: The precast units were produced ahead of time, allowing for a flexible delivery schedule and avoiding any delays or double handling on site.
Improved Construction Safety: Our approach reduced the frequency of low-risk/high-frequency activities associated with traditional in situ concrete works, enhancing overall construction safety.
A Sustainable and Efficient Outcome
The Bewdley Bank Service Reservoir project not only demonstrated the effectiveness of our semi-precast product but also highlighted our commitment to sustainable construction practices.
The project’s design and execution ensured the reuse of excavated material, reducing the environmental impact and minimising vehicle movements in the surrounding area.
As FLI Precast Solutions, we are honoured to have contributed to the success of the Bewdley Bank Service Reservoir project.
Our collaboration with MMB and Welsh Water exemplifies our dedication to delivering innovative and efficient precast solutions, reinforcing our position as a leader in the precast concrete industry.