Northumberland Energy Park
Dolphin Precast Shell Units
Project name: Northumberland Energy Park Dolphin Precast Shell Units
Location: Port of Blyth
Duration: 4 months
Services provided: Design, Manufacture and Supply
Product(s): Dolphin Precast Shell Units
Contract partners/client (if applicable): Farrans Construction
Background Information/Project Overview
Farrans Construction engaged FLI Precast Solutions Ltd to Design, Manufacture and Supply Precast Mooring Dolphin Precast Shell units for a new deep water berth in the north east of England. Northumberland Energy Park Phase 1 transformed an existing dock into a deep-water berth with jack up barge capabilities and is part of a strategic land development plan for the Blyth estuary. The new deep-water berth provided docking and servicing of service ships for the offshore energy sector in this area including wind turbine and wave energy technology.