FLI Group & Flahavan’s Partnership

We have probably all watched with horror, the ongoing and evolving situation in Ukraine and the impact on the ‘extra-ordinary’ members of the public who are affected by these events. The sheer resilience of the people is astounding.
In some small way, we wanted to play a part in providing support to our fellow human beings and have arranged for a supply of food to be issued to help in the humanitarian effort.

Our CEO Michael Flynn approached Flahavan’s on Monday to purchase 5 pallets of porridge as a contribution to the humanitarian aid request on behalf of all FLI employees.
Flahavan’s very kindly offered to match our contribution free of charge. 7200Kgs is made up of 4800 1.5kg packs which represent roughly 150,000 meals.
This supply left Ireland on 4th March and is currently en route to Poland thanks to Virginia International Logistics. We really hope it helps. We will try and do more over the coming weeks when we need to!

We believe it is important to raise awareness of the humanitarian crisis and would encourage all to do what they can to help in any way possible the people of Ukraine.
#westandwithukraine #help #people #humanitarianaid